Faculty Member

Research Interests

The main research focus in the Neural Computation Group lies on the neural basis of spatial and episodic memory, navigation, and cognitive maps more broadly. We mainly explore these topics through mechanistic computational models of the circuits underlying these cognitive faculties. When possible the emphasis lies on biologically plausible implementations.

Available PhD projects

The position for a doctoral candidate in computational neuroscience is part of an international collaborative effort (4 labs) to test computational models of episodic and spatial memory by combining human intracranial electrophysiology and computational models. Specifically, the project will explore computational/neural mechanisms underlying cognitive maps, spatial (and episodic) memory, and navigation. The candidate will have two main tasks: 1. develop existing models (such as the BB model) further, constrained by human single cell recordings. 2. develop an analysis pipeline to assess spatial coding in human single units. This project is part of an international collaboration with the Universities of Bonn (Prof. Lukas Kunz), Berlin (Prof. Richard Kempter), and Columbia (Prof. Josh Jacobs).


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