Faculty and Research

The main research focus in the Neural Computation Group lies on the neural basis of spatial and episodic memory, navigation, and cognitive maps more broadly. We mainly explore these topics through mechanistic computational models of the circuits underlying these cognitive faculties. When possible the emphasis lies on biologically plausible implementations. [more]
Research focus are Spiking Neural Networks, specially neurological plausible learning algorithms as well as the incorporation of dynamcs within synaptic efficiency towards SNNs. [more]
Principles of motor control | Mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and motor learning |  Development of new protocols of brain stimulation for treating neurological symptoms [more]
Our overarching goal is to crack the cognitive code by identifying the key processing principles of the brain enabling human thinking. The broad mission of our Department is reflected in a wide variety of research areas in cognitive neuroscience, including spatial navigation, memory, time processing, learning and decision making, knowledge acquisition, and perception; and translational research on population coding in the hippocampal-entorhinal system, cognitive enhancement and Alzheimer’s disease. [more]
Our group takes a computational approach to uncover the neural mechanisms that underlie human pain perception and its cognitive modulation with a special focus on the spinal cord. [more]
The department of Neuropsychology’s research agenda is to identify the functional architecture of language and its neural bases in the mature and the developing human brain. [more]
In my group, we study how mental processes, particularly affective states like emotions and feelings, relate to brain-body and especially brain-heart interactions. To this aim, we conduct psychophysiological and neuroimaging studies in classical lab-based settings but also using real-world (e.g., ambulatory assessment) and naturalistic setups (e.g., immersive virtual reality). [more]

The overarching goal of the research group Milestones of Early Cognitive Development is to understand how typically human cognition develops in early childhood and how it is implemented in the maturing brain. [more]
Cognitive and neural mechanisms of voluntary action and of bodily awareness. [more]
How does the human brain adapt to challenges? Our research group is interested in systems neuroplasticity as a mechanism for adaptation during cognition. [more]
How does our brain allow us to make sense of our visual world? Our group works on unraveling the cascade of visual and semantic processing in the human brain and discover how the emerging representations allow us to interact effectively with our environment. [more]
Deficits in social interaction are a central issue across many mental disorders. The overarching goals of my research are  [more]
Computational modelling of brain networks, neural mass modelling. | Biophysical modelling of EEG/MEG, in particular source reconstruction. [more]
Lifespan neurocognitive development of memory, perception, and goal-directed behavior | Behavioral and brain plasticity | Human-machine interactions [more]
Analysis and modeling of MEG/EEG data to localize and identify brainnetworks [more]
Timing in sentence and language comprehension (M/EEG + behavior) | Temporal patterns in large-scale linguistic corpora (computational linguistics + frequency analyses) [more]
Methods for MRI and MRS including pulse sequences, RF hardware and image processing. [more]
The key goal of the Computational Machinery of Cognition (CMC) lab is to understand the computations that support goal-driven behavior, and also the multi-scale machinery (neurons, …, large-scale networks) that implements these computations.  [more]
Neuroimaging of language recovery after stroke | Neuroimaging of cognitive disorders in neurology | Big data analysis of stroke imaging

How can a network of cells perceive, represent, and make sense of the world around it? Experimental techniques such as high-resolution, multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging, light-sheet microscopy, or single-cell sequencing provide unprecedented insights into the structures and processes of neural systems and life in general. However, these methods yield high-dimensional data with intricate structures and dependencies that can be challenging to interpret.  [more]
Multimodal visualization of brain imaging data, like MRI, DT-MRI, HARDI, fMRI, EEG, MEG [more]
We are interested in how the brain encodes and processes simple and complex sounds and how these mechanisms change when people adjust to new listening situations. These studies address basic mechanisms of sound processing that underlie all higher human auditory functions, such as speech and music perception. [more]
Attention | Perception | Action-perception cycle [more]
Cognitive neuropsychiatry, i.e. explaining clinical characteristics of neuropsychiatric diseases in terms of cognitive neuroscience & affected brain networks | Identifying neural correlates & facilitate new treatment approaches | Focus on neurodegenerative / dementia syndromes, depression & schizophrenia [more]
Our lab explores the developmental origins of intelligent behavior. We conduct brain imaging studies with children from all over the world. [more]
How does brain structure support human cognition? To answer this question the cognitive neurogenetics groups studies: [more]
Behavioral, emotional, and neural underpinnings of the vascular risk factors hypertension and obesity and the subsequent development towards brain damage & stroke [more]
Sensory mechanisms of human communication
Our vision is to develop and apply functional microstructure imaging and in-vivo histology using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as novel non-invasive MRI methods to reliably characterize the detailed functional and anatomical microstructure of the human brain. [more]
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