Required Documents


  1. Completed registration form
  2. Cover letter explaining  your motivation and qualification for pursuing a PhD at the IMPRS on Cognitive NeuroImaging, which describes your personal research interests and academic goals (about 1-1.5 pages). Please also name your preferred supervisors here. If available, please also mention the preferred topic you would like to research.
  3. Curriculum Vitae (CV) including activities and experiences relevant to the studies.

  4. Names and contact information of two academic referees supporting your application.

  5. Title and abstract of your master’s thesis (or equivalent thesis; not longer than one A4 page). If you have not yet started your Master’s thesis, please either include an abstract of your bachelor’s thesis or a brief summary of your plan for your master's thesis.

  6. Official academic transcript of record (ToR)  from your bachelor's program.

  7. Copy of bachelor’s degree (or equivalent degree).

  8. Official academic transcript of record (ToR)  from your master's program.

  9. Copy of master’s degree (or equivalent degree; only in the case that your master's degree is already complete).

  10. Other relevant academic certificates (such as participation in conferences etc.).

  11. Certificate of proficiency in English (non-native speakers only). Coursework in English is also accepted, either at your home university or from a university abroad.

  12. List of publications (if applicable).


Please make sure you arrange your attachments in the order presented. Please note that only complete applications will be considered. Since the working language of both the graduate school and the Institute is English, only applications in English are accepted.

Letters of recommendation

Please list the names and contact details of two referees of your choice. Once you have submitted your application, the referees will automatically receive an email with a link where they are asked to answer some questions on you and your performance. The form also contains a “commen” field, where referees can copy and paste a recommendation letter. Please note, that email will be sent from "" with subject header "Reference request your first name your last name / IMPRS CoNI" and that it may take some time until your referees receive it.

Please ask your referees for permission before you name them. The deadline for recommendation letters is November 10th 2025. You and the referee will both receive an email confirming successful upload of the recommendation letter.

Please keep in mind: It is your responsibility to ensure that the recommendation letters are sent in due time. Only complete applications (including two letters of reference) will be considered for evaluation. 

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