Health and Wellbeing
Need Help Immediately?
If you need help immediately for yourself or someone else, please contact one of the following 24/7 resources:
0800/3877836 or 0800/3877862 | Employee and Manager Assistance Program from the Fuerstenberg Institute (EMAP) (offered through MPS) national From abroad; Service is free of charge (German and English, if required Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian and Turkish) |
+49 (0)800 111 0 111 | Phone counseling (Samaritans); free of charge, service most likely in German |
110 | Police |
112 | Ambulance & Paramedics (calling from a German landline or cellphone) |
116 117 | Out-of-Hours Medical Care (calling from a German landline or cellphone) |
Wellbeing Resources from the Max Planck Society
Immediate Advisory Service (EMAP)
If you need help in resolving personal problems and issues that impact your well-being at work, an Immediate Advisory Service (EMAP) is available 24/7 through the Fürstenberg Institute, either by telephone, online, or in person. Services are free of charge. Family members living in your household can also use this service free of charge.
To schedule an appointment, you can call 0800/387 78 36 (from Germany) or 0800/387 78 62 (from abroad). When calling, make sure to tell the person answering the phone that you are an employee of the Max Planck Society. No further personal information is required. Depending on the issues you are dealing with, you will be referred to an expert that fits your specific situation in psychology, medicine, health science, psychosocial counselling, etc. The experienced team of counsellors at the Fürstenberg Institute offer extensive specialist knowledge and many years of consulting practice. Further details on EMAP can be found here or on MAX our intranet.
Occupational Health Program at MPI CBS
In the context oft he occupational health program at MPI CBS several well-being offers are provided, such as Yoga courses or Back-fit courses. More information can be found on our MAX.
Mental Health Collective of the Max Planck Society
The Mental Health Collective is an initiative from the PhD net at Max Planck Society targeting Mental Health. Every year in October, they organize a MPS-wide Mental Health Awareness week around topics important to and supporting PhD students‘ mental health.
Well-Being Resources provided by Leipzig University
Psychosocial Counselling
In case you are enrolled at Leipzig University, you benefit from a plenty of services the offer, one of them is Psychosocial counselling. Most importantly, the service is also offered in English. https://www.studentenwerk-leipzig.de/en/counselling-social-issues/psychosocial-counselling
University Sports Program
As an employee of MPI CBS you have the possibility to participate in sports courses offered by Leipzig University. In case you are also enrolled at Leipzig University, no extra fees are due; in case you are not enrolled at University, you have to buy an employee ticket every semester (currently 30€), which entitles you to book sports courses at Leipzig University. There is a wide range of sports being offered, spanning from beginners level to professional level.
Besides being physically active, such courses are a good possibility to get to know other students outside the CBS cloud. Besides attending sports courses, you can also use some facilities (fitness rooms) for training on your own. It is also worth to note that during the semester breaks workshops and excursions are being offered, such as skiing in the alps or surfing at the northern see etc.