Course Archive

Host: IMPRS Coordination Location: Virtual Class Room

Python Basics

  • Start: Oct 16, 2024 09:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
  • End: Nov 13, 2024 11:00 AM
  • Speaker: Dr Maurice Maurer
  • Dr Maurice Maurer graduated in 2020 from the Technical University of Munich with a Ph.D. in computational physics. In his scientific work – both carried out at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics – he developed a high performance computing (HPC) code to simulate plasma microturbulence in complex geometries. The dissertation is called GENE-3D – a global gyrokinetic turbulence code for stellarators and perturbed tokamaks. During his masters project he already developed a parallelized code running on some of the fastest supercomputers in germany. For both the masters project and the Ph.D. project he employed Python for the postprocessing of the large data sets generated by the simulations. Also, he is doing Python development consulting work for for various companies in regards to code review and performance optimization. The knowledge and experience from these projects in addition to more than 20 years of programming experience go into the Python programming courses.
  • Location: Virtual Class Room
  • Host: IMPRS Coordination
  • Contact:
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