IMPRS CONI Summer School 2024


To register for the 1st IMPRS CoNI Summer School in London, please fill in the form on our OpenCampus space. If you don’t have an account there, you first have to create and activate a user account before you can start the application process (see instructions below).

Each application will be reviewed and the participation will be confirmed in due time. External candidates will be required to pay a registration fee of GBP 300 which includes attendance to all sessions, tea/coffee on all three days, and a welcome dinner in the evening of 9 September 2024.


Registration closes on 30 June 2024 at 23.59 CEST.


Instructions for applicants, who are not doctoral researchers at IMPRS CoNI:

  1. Create an account on the registration site on OpenCampus.

  2. Log-in with your credentials.

  3. Click “Apply for IMPRS CoNI Summer School of the UCL and MPI CBS

  4. Fill in the required information. If you are planning to present a poster, you will be asked to enter those details as well. Keep in mind to also indicate your co-authors and ask them for approval of the abstract you submit.

  5. If you click “Save”,  your data will be saved, but not be submitted. You can still edit your entry.

  6. Click “Submit” to submit your application and finally register for the Summer School 2024.


Instructions for applicants, who are doctoral researchers at IMPRS CoNI:

  1. Log-in on OpenCampus with your credentials.

  2. Click “Apply for IMPRS CoNI Summer School of the UCL and MPI CBS”

  3. Fill in the required information. As we expect from you to present a poster, please fill in the required details as well. Keep in mind to also name your co-authors and ask them for approval of the abstract you submit.

  4. If you click “Save”,  your data will be saved, but not be submitted. You can still edit your entry.

  5. Click “Submit” to submit your application and finally register for the Summer School 2024.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not submit your registration in one step, the field “Apply for IMPRS CoNI    Summer School of the UCL and MPI CBS” disappears and you will need to click “My progress” and   select “Application for Summer School” to continue with the registration process.

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