Module II: Clinical and Translational Neuroscience
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Module II:
Clinical and Translational Neuroscience

Teaching in this module focuses on the important role of clinical and translational neuroscience. Students will be armed with the basic knowledge of the most common neurological and psychiatric diseases, and how they can be differentiated and diagnosed. This requires a basic understanding of the human brain, both regarding neuroanatomy and neurotransmission. Stroke is an important teaching example and area of research with interventional strategies to prevent the development of risk factors, to stop risk factor-dependent processes leading to stroke and dementia, and to improve recovery from stroke. Furthermore, the importance of brain plasticity is exemplified in the context of stroke recovery. Furthermore, in the context of teaching in this module, neurodegenerative diseases will be discussed, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease and the discoveries of cognitive maps and models are introduced.

The IMPRS CoNI has very close links to the clinic and clinical research. The Day Clinic for Cognitive Neurology at the University Hospital Leipzig (UKL) is closely affiliated with the MPI CBS (Director Arno Villringer and additional faculty members Hellmuth Obrig, Julia Sacher, Matthias Schroeter). To facilitate neuroimaging research in patients, the MPI CBS operates a 3 Tesla MRI system at UKL. A combined PET-MRI system has been acquired jointly with the Dept of Nuclear Medicine at UKL and recently, joint studies on ultra-sound-based neuromodulation are being performed with the Institute & Center for Computer Assisted Surgery (ICASS). Furthermore, the IMPRS CoNI has faculty from the Clinic of Neurology at UKL (Joseph Classen, Dorothee Saur).

This  partnership with the Medical Faculty of LU is instrumental in covering the teaching and research topics in this domain, widening the intellectual horizon of the doctoral students.

Principles of motor control | Mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and motor learning |  Development of new protocols of brain stimulation for treating neurological symptoms more
Our group takes a computational approach to uncover the neural mechanisms that underlie human pain perception and its cognitive modulation with a special focus on the spinal cord. more
How does the human brain adapt to challenges? Our research group is interested in systems neuroplasticity as a mechanism for adaptation during cognition. more
Deficits in social interaction are a central issue across many mental disorders. The overarching goals of my research are  more
Neuroimaging of language recovery after stroke | Neuroimaging of cognitive disorders in neurology | Big data analysis of stroke imaging

Cognitive neuropsychiatry, i.e. explaining clinical characteristics of neuropsychiatric diseases in terms of cognitive neuroscience & affected brain networks | Identifying neural correlates & facilitate new treatment approaches | Focus on neurodegenerative / dementia syndromes, depression & schizophrenia more
Behavioral, emotional, and neural underpinnings of the vascular risk factors hypertension and obesity and the subsequent development towards brain damage & stroke more
Sensory mechanisms of human communication
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